Do You Know How to Travel “Green”?

It doesn’t matter how much fun traveling is. In reality, it causes more damage to nature than we realize. Unknowingly, we are leaving a charcoal smudge all over the destinations we travel to and we can help it. Once people realize that they contribute to environmental damage, they want to learn more about eco-friendly options.
The planes we travel in spew carbon emissions, hotels guzzle water to launder sheets and towels, and the thirsty travelers throw up lots of plastic bottles and wrappers all over the cities. But don’t feel guilty due to these reasons. Sustainable travel practice can help you to lighten up the blemishes that you leave on Mother Earth.
Green travel is more like a portable lifestyle choice. According to the surveys, people traveling all over the world have made more sound choices over recent years. Even a small step can make a big change like turning off the lights when you leave the room. Sustainable travel is all about creating a positive impact on the communities you visit. It is popularly said that you should leave any place place better than you found it.
So, here are some tips that will help you to be a green traveler who understands the negative role we play in degrading our environment. If you keep these tips in mind, it will be easy for you to become a valuable member of the communities that are working to preserve Mother Nature.

1: Pick A Green Destination:

There isn’t a single place on this Earth that is entirely green as all places have their flaws. However, you can choose the destination in the cities of the countries which demonstrate strict rules and regulation for the people to be good stewards. There are lots of travel detonations that offer a commitment to Earth-friendly policies. There are recycle bins at every corner of the road, and tips and rules are highlighted everywhere to follow the right practices of green travel. Rio de Prata, Namibia, Ecuador, etc. all these places are filled with life as the environmental damage is kept at a minimum.
We can also contribute to the cause and help them keep the environment safe and sound.

2: Opt for A Green Mode of Transportation:

While Mother Nature has provided us with so many things, it is our job to be a good steward and give back to her, too. Instead of using vehicles that emit greenhouse gas that pollute the air, you should switch to using your own power to get around. Ever Ready Travel can help you plan hiking, cycling, and other physical activities for fun instead of bus or car transportation.
Considering the impact personal vehicles have on the environment, buses and trains are a much better alternative to reduce the negative effects. Trains are generally more environment-friendly as they can carry a large number of people at once and don’t leave residue or gas that cause a greenhouse effect.
Even if you plan to drive, consider renting a fuel-efficient vehicle like the electric car which has a negligible impact on nature. Also, some people think that ships, cruises, and boats are also efficient, but the truth is quite the opposite. They bring more harm than good both to the environment and human health. And there is not a green-way of flying either. These are hard to completely avoid. At last, all we can ask you to do is to minimize these means of transportation, when possible.

3: Choose a Green Hotel:

Ever Ready Travel will gladly help you find an eco-friendly hotel. It is a part of your eco-friendly travel to stay in a hotel that is working to reduce the harm caused to nature.
And by this, we don’t mean look for a hotel which is quiet and elegant or have ponds and plants around. Here, we would like you to focus on the terms on which the hotel operates the in-house green program. Call the front desk and ask them how they compost, how they dispose of the gray water, inquire about the fixtures, toiletries, and in-room recycling bins. Some hotels also employ a sustainable wastewater management system to do their part for nature.
Many hotels all around the globe are accredited by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council. This means that the hotels follow the approach of sustainable travel, i.e. environmental, economic, and social. If you get an opportunity to stay in an eco-lodge, that is an even better option.

4: Engage in Green Activities:

Yes, you can also lend your hand in serving nature during your vacations. The green movement has already changed how we preserve and protect nature. So, you can opt-in for earth-friendly options like sailing, snorkeling, scuba diving, paddleboat, kayaking, swimming, or hiking. Visit local food markets and use a reusable bag for the purchases. Hire local guides for the trips and donate some money for a charity or local conversation group.

5: Avoid Unethical Activities:

Being a good steward is all about your attitude. You can go renewable wherever possible. Plus, it’s important to respect the wildlife around you. Don’t encourage unethical animal tourism. Avoid riding on elephants or trying to pet sedated predators. Swimming with dolphins, human safaris, coral reefs destruction, etc. all are unethical activities and you should avoid them under all circumstances.
Travel can expand our minds and promote intercultural understanding. You might think that doing some stupid things will look good for Instagram pictures but you don’t need to exploit the natural resources for that. So, before you go pack and leave your home, think about how your travel will affect nature and this planet.
Making your travel eco-friendly doesn’t cost much apart from a few changes. But it has a long-term impact on the environment. Your decision to make eco-friendly travel is one of the best deeds you can do. Travel is always seen as a positive experience and something that enriches human life. Therefore, it is our moral and ethical duty to do our best to preserve Mother Nature and Go Green.

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