The Cure to Jet Lag

The air-transportation services have made it possible to go from one place to another in a matter of hours. For people like me, this is mostly a plus. But eventually, you will have to deal with cases of jet lag. Any flight longer than seven hours will lead to this issue.
It is no surprise when you are traveling from one time zone to another. That’s why, the spas and hotels across the globe have so many treatment options to combat fatigue, insomnia, malaise, and digestive problems linked with Jet Lag. One of the best treatments for this kind of problem came into existence in recent years and it is called Cryotherapy. But luckily, it is not the only treatment to deal with the issues.
So, in this article, I want to share some great tips to deal with jet lag. These ideas might prevent the problem entirely or, at minimum, help you cope with the symptoms.

1: Simulate to the new schedule before you travel:

The first step to deal with the leg lag issue is to prepare you for the upcoming long haul flights. When you are traveling to eat, shift your routine to going to bed early. Start doing that prior the few nights you are expected to leave.
If you are going to the West, shift your routine to the opposite side. You can even move your mealtimes closer to the time zone you will be living in the upcoming days.

2: Adapt to the new schedule:

The time zone difference can make your life difficult. You will feel tired during the daytime and won’t be able to sleep well at night. But the fact is that the problem is completely psychological. The first thing you need to do to adapt to the new schedule is change the time on your watch. Next, set the time zone according to the destination.
This will confuse your mind thinking that you are in the right zone. As a result, you are less likely to be sleepy in the daytime. But don’t force the habit otherwise you will feel frustrated. Try to rest on the plane as much as possible to avoid jet lag.

3: Try to arrive early:

If you need to be on top of your game, you have to make sure that you arrive early on your destination. It will give enough time to your mind and body to adjust to the time zone difference.

4: Stay hydrated and move around:

Don’t forget to drink water before, during, and after your flight. Keep in mind not to drink coffee or alcohol a few hours before you are supposed to sleep. It will cause dehydration and disrupt your system.
Along with the hydration, you also need to get up and take a walk. Doing some static exercises and stretch on the flight will keep your body in motion and help to avoid the jet lag problem.
Once you consider these tips, there are chances that you will be able to avoid the problem from a long-haul flight. But if you still end up feeling weird, then some methods can still cure the jet lag.

1: Melatonin:

Although jet lag is a temporary effect, it can keep you frustrated for a long time. As Melatonin is the hormone that regulates the body’s circadian rhythm, it is vital to keep the hormone in check. The only thing you need to do is reset the internal clock so that you can adjust to the time zone difference.
The Melatonin level in the body rises during the evening time and reduces with the sunrise. So, when you are traveling to a different time zone, you get exposed to light when the body’s internal clock is in a different zone. Thus, the cycle gets disrupted. So, the only thing you need to do is to take a small dose of Melatonin after dark.
But before you take the dose, don’t forget to consult your doctor. Sometimes, higher doses of melatonin can result in side effects which can cause nightmares and vivid dreams. So, take all the countermeasures to ensure that the Melatonin intake is safe for you.

2: Light exposure:

Another cure to the common jet lag problem after long-haul flights is to expose you to light. When you see a bright light at certain times of the day, it will be easy for your body’s internal clock to get in sync with the new time zone. Consider going out for the morning walk, open curtains and blindfolds in the morning, or keep the lamp on.
The light will surely reset your sleep-wake cycle according to the light exposure and you will be able to sleep and wake up on time without affecting your other systems.

3: Lavender essential oil:

Lavender is an essential oil that is popularly known for its calming properties. It can help to treat insomnia effectively. Even the aroma of this oil helps people to get quality sleep. As you travel to a different zone, the main problem faced by people as a result of jet lag is insomnia.
But lavender oil can help you fix this problem. The oil can’t alone do the wonders; you have to take care of some other things as well. To maintain a regular sleep schedule, avoid coffee and alcohol, eating late in the day, and avoid screens. Add the oil in your bathwater or sprinkle it on a tissue and inhale the oil for several minutes. Its aroma will soothe you and gradually your problems will disappear. I have an essentials oil diffuser, and love using the lavender oil in my room. It sprays a mist and makes you feel like you are relaxed in a spa. Give it a try!

4: IV therapies:

Apart from the above natural methods, you can also consider taking IV therapy. Yes, I agree that no one would like to stick a needle in themselves after traveling on a plane for multiple hours. But the administered vitamin infusions can help to cure jet lag pretty quickly.
For fun activities to relax after the long-haul flights, you can also consider taking a spa, eating sensibly, take a hot bath before bedtime and try other simple tricks to deal with jet lag.
So there you have it. I hope you found these solutions helpful to cure jet lag after a long-haul flight. Keep Ever Ready Travel in mind for your next international trip. We make dream trips come true!

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